Celebrate Indigenous History

In Canada, the month of June is the time we commemorate National Indigenous History Month.  During this time, people across Canada celebrate and recognize the history, diversity and heritage of First Nations, Inuit and Metis people.

In honour of this month, we’re bringing awareness to Indigenous culture through the eyes of Miskwaa Binesi – Red Thunderbird (Lee Ouimette), an Indigenous artist.   Lee is the descendant of Adele’s Bear Band, Temagami, Kookum Mathias, Loon Dodem (Nipissing Region) Robinson Huron Treaty of 1850.  She holds Metis status with the Metis Nation of Ontario and has an honours degree in Paralegal Studies.  Lee is also a bead specialist.  She mastered the art of beading as a child, and since 2019, she has owned and operated her own business Lee’s Indigenous Boutique.  Lee’s love and desire to share Indigenous traditions and heritage have motivated her to master the traditional skills of quillwork on birch, tufting and ribbon skirt making.  She continues this tradition by teaching her beautiful daughters the richness and art to design and craft the traditional Metis and Anishinaabe ways of knowing and being.

Join us next Friday as we continue our journey with Miskwaa Binesi – Red Thunderbird as we learn The Gifts of the Seven Grandfathers.  To learn more about Lee and her work, visit her at www.leesboutique.ca and on Instagram @leesindigenousboutique


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