This week we continue our celebration of Indigenous History by learning the teachings of the Seven Grandfathers.  These principles to live by are a gift to the people to live a good life.  As all cultures possess teachings on living an authentic life, the Grandfather's Teaching is no different.

Daily, these teachings should be integrated, which may be challenging for some.  The Grandfather's Teaching requires discipline, perseverance, focus, and patience. They are:


1)    Minwaadendamowin – Respect

2)    Zaagidiwin – Love

3)    Debwewin – Truth

4)    Aakodewwwin – Bravery

5)    Nibwaakawin -Wisdom

6)    Miigwe’aadiziwin – Generosity

7)    Dibaadendiziwin – Humility


When we embrace and use the Grandfather Teaching, we live a life of service, gratitude, peace, and joy.  These teachings take a lifetime to master, and when not in use, life becomes clouded.  Today, let’s empower ourselves with self-love by having respect, love, truth, bravery, wisdom, generosity, and humility, first for self, our families, community, nation and the world. 

To learn more about Indigenous culture and teachings, connect with Miskwaa Binesi – Red Thunderbird. Visit her at and on Instagram @leesindigenousboutique.


Sparkle’s World: Adopt Don’t Shop


Celebrate Indigenous History