Holding Space

Happy New Year from all of us at Faith and Sparkles World 🌎

Welcome back readers! Here we are, starting a brand-new year together.  We hope your holidays overflowed with love and laughter, and feelings of togetherness.  💙🧡💚


There’s no better feeling in this big world than giggling, chuckling, howling, or laughing, so let’s get you grinning from cheek to cheek. 😂

 Dracula passed out at midnight on New Year's Eve.  🧛🏽‍♂️🧛🏽‍♂️

There was a Count down! 🧛🏽‍♂️🧛🏽‍♂️

Starting off a new year doesn’t require you to alter each and every thing about your lifestyle or belief systems, it is an opportunity to excavate and implement positive change within yourself.  Finding balance in our lives is exceptionally important, and a great way to start is by allowing ourselves to hold space for those most important to us. 🌎🚀

For many of us the new year inspires the conception of change.  Resolutions, diets, exercise, regulated sleeping patterns, new hobbies, and more are ever present in the back of our minds.  There is no time like the present to invite healthy growth into your regime, and we have the tools you require to cultivate these adjustments.  As we set out on our trajectories for the day, no matter how challenging, we must always remember to hold space for not only ourselves, but most importantly for the children in our lives.  You might wonder what holding space means, and who better to ask then a Super-hero (Faith), her brave mother (Delisa), and their furry sidekick friend (Sparkle).🔨🐶 🥕

 Even a Super-Hero needs guidance and understanding sometimes, after all they’re human too. Holding space can mean a multitude of things, from giving judgement free support, the conscious act of being open and present, protecting the needs of others in each moment, and creating an environment in which all who enter feel protected from harm.

What does holding space really mean?  Holding space for our children is fundamentally necessary in order to implement a feeling of security, trust, and creative thinking.  Here are a few ways to constructively demonstrate meaningful awareness to your child’s needs.

  • Remember that your littles ones are individuals, they are not an extension of you.  Our kids are their own humans, with their own emotions and personalities, which is OKAY. 😊😠😃

  • Learn with them.  Your little tykes will certainly involve themselves in an exponential number of new hobbies, classes, sports, and recreational activities throughout their life.  Allow your child to explore their creative processes, adventure, and overcome new obstacles.  Become teachable, allow your child to share with you the knowledge of their newfound interests, as your curiosity will empower them. 🧠🏈📚

  • Actively listen.  Patience, understanding, and empathy are all keystones to assuring that your children feel safe to express themselves.  Offering statements such as: “Tell me more about what happened”, “How are you feeling?”, “I can tell that hurt you”, “How can I support you?”, are a few compassionate ways to instill a sense of comfortability during these sensitive conversations. 👂🏽🔊

Our kiddos can do anything they set their minds to, it is our job to nourish and positively reinforce their confidence.  We are their support system, and in turn, they help us more than we know.


“I love the big fresh starts, the clean slates like birthdays and new years, but I also really like the idea that we can get up every morning and start over.” 

-Kristin Armstrong

Superhero Faith, Written by Faith Abraham

Looking for a new way to interact with your child?  Check out Faith’s books in our online store!  You won’t be disappointed.




 #faithandsparklesworld #holdingspace #learn #listen #patience #understanding #empathy #empowerment #compassion #newyear #2023 #balance #hobbies #children #parents #family

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